Where to Buy Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products for Pets

by | Nov 29, 2023 | Cleaning Tips


In a bustling family home, keeping everything clean can feel like a never-ending chore, especially when pets are part of the equation. Ensuring a fresh and clean environment, while also keeping our beloved furry friends safe, is a concern for many households. This is where eco-friendly cleaning products for pets come in, providing a healthy, non-hazardous solution for your cleaning needs.

At E.C. House Cleaning, we understand this need deeply. For years, we’ve prioritized using eco-friendly cleaning products that put the health and well-being of our clients and their pets at the helm, without compromising cleaning efficiency. Using conventional cleaning products often exposes pets to harsh and harmful chemicals. Our expert, Eliana Coca, always highlights the need for alternatives that are not only environmentally friendly but also safe for the whole family, including our pets.

A quick glance at the benefits of using pet-safe cleaning products:

  • They are chemical-free and non-toxic, posing no harm to your pets.
  • Eco-friendly cleaning products can help reduce allergic reactions in both pets and humans.
  • They contribute to a healthier environment by reducing pollution.

Pet Safe Cleaning Products Infographic - eco-friendly cleaning products for pets infographic brainstorm-4-items

Switching to eco-friendly cleaning products for pets is a leap towards a cleaner, greener, and safer home environment. As you delve deeper into this article, be ready to know more about how to minimize risks when cleaning with pets at home, the top eco-friendly cleaning products, and where to buy them.

The Dangers of Common Household Cleaning Products for Pets

When you’re busy keeping your home spick and span, it might be easy to overlook that some of the cleaning products you’re using can be harmful to your pets. Our furry friends, much like toddlers, are prone to exploring their surroundings, often leading to them ingesting, inhaling, or absorbing substances that can be detrimental to their health.

Hazardous Ingredients in Popular Cleaning Products

A multitude of commonly used cleaning products contain ingredients that can pose a considerable risk to your pets’ health.

Ammonia, for example, can damage the respiratory system. Chlorine bleach, a frequent ingredient in toilet bowl cleaners, is an irritant to the skin, eyes, and throat, and it’s corrosive to mucous membranes.

Some all-purpose sprays and laundry detergents contain a compound called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). Exposure to this can lead to skin irritation and, if ingested in high concentrations, can cause severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Formaldehyde is another culprit. Known to cause cancer, formaldehyde can slowly seep into a product over time, extending its shelf life.

Other harmful ingredients to be wary of include glycol ethers, benzalkonium chloride, and phenol. These substances are often found in disinfectants and cleaners like Lysol and PineSol and can cause anaemia, lung damage, and kidney damage in both people and animals.

Ingestion, Inhalation, and Absorption: The Hidden Risks

Your pets, especially dogs and cats, have a natural curiosity and a tendency to explore their environment using their mouth and nose. This means that they can easily ingest or inhale cleaning products, or absorb them through their skin.

Ingesting concentrated cleaning products can lead to severe vomiting, diarrhoea, and in extreme cases, kidney and liver damage. Inhalation can irritate the airways, leading to difficulty breathing or worsening existing conditions like asthma. Skin contact can result in redness, itching, and burns.

Deceptive Labels and Proprietary Formulations

Even if you’re diligently checking product labels, it’s not always straightforward to identify which products are safe for your pets.

Labels can often be misleading, with many companies only required to disclose their active disinfecting ingredients and ‘chemicals of known concern’. Many ingredients are considered proprietary or trade secrets and are therefore not disclosed on the labels.

This lack of transparency makes it tough to find truly pet-safe cleaning products.

At E.C. House Cleaning, we understand the importance of using safe, eco-friendly cleaning products for pets. We’re committed to ensuring the health and safety of your furry friends while delivering the highest quality cleaning services.

eco-friendly cleaning products for pets - eco-friendly cleaning products for pets

How to Minimize Risks When Cleaning with Pets

Pets are curious by nature and may be tempted to sniff, lick, or swallow cleaning products. Therefore, it’s crucial to implement safety measures when cleaning your home. Here are some tips from our expert, Eliana Coca, on how to minimize risks when cleaning with pets.

Keeping pets away from the area being cleaned

Firstly, keep pets away from the room or area you are cleaning. This simple step not only keeps your pets safe from potential hazards, but it also allows us to focus on delivering a thorough and efficient cleaning service.

Ensuring good ventilation during and after cleaning

Secondly, make sure the area is well-ventilated during and after the cleaning process. This helps to disperse any potentially harmful fumes from cleaning products, reducing the risk of your pet inhaling them.

Allowing surfaces to dry completely before allowing pets back in

It’s also crucial to let the surfaces dry completely before allowing pets back in the room. This prevents pets from coming into contact with wet cleaning products, which could potentially harm them.

Storing disinfectants out of pets’ reach

Store all disinfectants and cleaning products out of your pets’ reach. This ensures your pets won’t accidentally ingest any harmful substances. At E.C. House Cleaning, we always make sure to store our cleaning supplies safely after use.

What to do if pets ingest cleaning products

Despite our best efforts, accidents can still happen. If your pets do ingest cleaning products, it’s essential to act quickly. Call the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435 and bring your pet to a vet immediately.

Remember, the use of eco-friendly cleaning products for pets reduces the risks associated with traditional cleaning products. However, even when using these safer alternatives, it’s still crucial to follow these safety practices to ensure the well-being of your pets.

At E.C. House Cleaning, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for both our clients and their pets. We achieve this by using safe, eco-friendly cleaning products and following stringent safety protocols in all our cleaning services.

spray bottles safe for pets

Top Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products for Pets

Having discussed the importance of safety measures while cleaning with pets around, let’s now delve into the specifics of the top eco-friendly cleaning products for pets. These products are verified to be safe for your pets and effective in dealing with messes.

Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator

When it comes to pet messes, this product is a must-have. The Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator is a favorite due to its effectiveness in dealing with tough stains and unpleasant odors left by pets. It’s certified safe by the Carpet and Rug Institute, making it a reliable choice for pet owners.

Bean & Lilly Floor Cleaner

For a thorough and pet-safe floor cleaning, we recommend Bean & Lilly Floor Cleaner. It’s a plant-based product that you can use safely on all types of floor surfaces. It’s biodegradable, which means it’s not only safe for your pets but also kind to the environment.

Aunt Fannie’s Glass & Window Vinegar Wash

Cleaning glass surfaces and windows can be a tricky affair with pets around. Aunt Fannie’s Glass & Window Vinegar Wash is an excellent solution that cleans gently and leaves no streaks. It’s a plant-based product that has received the highest health and safety rating from the Environmental Working Group.

Better Life’s Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Your toilet bowl needs a clean that’s both strong and safe. Better Life’s Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner is a pet-safe product that effectively tackles toilet bowl stains while ensuring your pet’s safety.

Better Life’s All-Purpose Cleaner

To clean multiple surfaces in your home, you’ll need an all-purpose cleaner that’s safe for pets. Better Life Natural All-Purpose Cleaner is derived from plants, making it safe for kids and pets.

Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Pure Castile Soap

If you’re looking for a multi-purpose cleaner that is safe for pets, consider using Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 Pure Castile Soap. Made with organic and vegan ingredients, it can be used for cleaning your home and even washing your pets!

Puracy’s Professional Carpet Cleaner

Carpets can harbor a lot of dirt and pet messes. Puracy’s Professional Carpet Cleaner is a plant-based cleaner that effectively eliminates stains and odors while being safe for your furry friends.

At E.C. House Cleaning, we believe in using the right product for the right job. Our team of professionals, led by Eliana Coca, ensures we use only the best and safest cleaning supplies to ensure a clean and safe environment for everyone, including your pets.

DIY Eco-Friendly Cleaning Options for Pets

At E.C. House Cleaning, we understand that sometimes you would like to handle some of the cleaning tasks yourself. Therefore, being informed about eco-friendly cleaning products for pets that you can easily make at home is essential. These DIY solutions are not only safe for your pets but also efficient and cost-effective.

Using Baking Soda for Deodorizing Carpets and Upholstery

One of the simplest yet most effective DIY cleaning solutions is baking soda. It’s a fantastic natural deodorizer and works incredibly well on carpets and upholstery. To use it, simply sprinkle baking soda lightly over the surface you want to clean. Let it sit for a few hours to absorb the odors, then vacuum it up. Your carpets and furniture will be left smelling fresh, without any harmful chemicals that could harm your pets.

White Vinegar Diluted with Club Soda as a Cleaning Solution

White vinegar is another great option when it comes to DIY eco-friendly cleaning products for pets. When combined with club soda, it creates a powerful all-purpose cleaner that’s safe for your pets and the environment. To make this solution, mix one part vinegar to three parts club soda. Use this mixture to clean hard surfaces, glass, and even floors. The vinegar cuts through grime and dirt while the club soda adds a bit of fizz to help lift stains.

Remember, though, that while vinegar is safe for most surfaces, it should not be used on stone surfaces as it can etch the stone.

Lemon Peel Steeped in Vinegar as a Natural Freshener

For those who prefer a bit of scent in their cleaning products, a natural freshener made from lemon peels steeped in vinegar is an excellent choice. Simply place lemon peels in a jar, cover with vinegar, and let it sit for a few weeks. The result is a citrus-infused vinegar that not only cleans but also leaves a refreshing scent behind. This solution can be diluted with water and used as a spray for a quick freshen-up around the house.

At E.C. House Cleaning, our goal is to keep your home clean and safe for everyone who lives there. These DIY cleaning solutions can help you maintain a clean and pet-friendly environment between our professional cleaning services. If you have any questions about these DIY solutions or our services, don’t hesitate to reach out to Eliana Coca and the rest of our team. We’re here to help you create a clean, healthy, and happy home.

Where to Buy Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products for Pets

Eliana Coca, our expert at E.C. House Cleaning, strongly recommends using eco-friendly cleaning products for pets. It’s vital to the health of your pets and our environment. But where can you buy these products? Let’s explore some options.

Online Retailers

Online shopping is a popular and convenient way to purchase eco-friendly cleaning products for pets. Online platforms like Amazon offer a broad range of products from various brands. For example, you can find the Rocco & Roxie Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator and Puracy’s Professional Carpet Cleaner on Amazon. Online pet-specific retailers like Chewy also offer a selection of eco-friendly cleaning products that are safe for pets.

Local Pet Stores and Supermarkets

Locally, you can find eco-friendly cleaning products for pets in pet stores, supermarkets, and organic food stores. Many of these stores have sections dedicated to natural and eco-friendly products. Remember to read labels and ingredient lists to ensure that the products are truly safe for pets.

Directly from Manufacturer Websites

Many eco-friendly cleaning product manufacturers sell their products directly from their websites. This can be a great way to learn more about the product, its ingredients, and the company’s commitment to sustainability. For instance, you can buy Better Life’s All-Purpose Cleaner directly from their website.

Wherever you choose to buy your cleaning products, make sure you’re choosing ones that are safe for your pets and the environment. At E.C. House Cleaning, we prioritize the health and well-being of our clients, their homes, and the environment. We exclusively use eco-friendly cleaning products, ensuring that our cleaning process is as safe, efficient, and effective as possible.

If you’re unsure about which products to choose, don’t hesitate to reach out to Eliana Coca and the rest of our team. We’re always happy to help our clients make informed decisions about their cleaning products. After all, a clean, healthy, and happy home is our ultimate goal.


The Importance of Choosing Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products for Pets

As we’ve seen throughout this guide, the importance of eco-friendly cleaning products for pets cannot be overstated. The safety of our pets, and indeed our entire household, hinges on the cleaning products we use. Regular cleaning products may contain harmful ingredients that pose a risk to our pets. Eco-friendly alternatives, on the other hand, are derived from safe, natural ingredients that pose minimal risk to our pets and the environment.

As Eliana Coca, our expert at E.C. House Cleaning, often emphasizes, it’s not just about cleaning—it’s about creating a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the household, including our furry friends.

Making the Switch to Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Making the switch to eco-friendly cleaning products for pets is a step in the right direction towards ensuring the well-being of our pets and the environment. It’s an investment in our pets’ health, our health, and the health of our planet.

Remember, not all eco-friendly products are created equal. It’s important to read labels, check for harmful ingredients, and follow usage instructions. The brands we highlighted earlier in the guide have been vetted for their effectiveness and safety.

In addition, there’s always the option to make your own cleaning solutions using household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon peel. These DIY solutions can be just as effective and are often more cost-effective.

At E.C. House Cleaning, we understand and prioritize the health and well-being of our clients and their pets. That’s why we exclusively use eco-friendly cleaning products. We’re here to help you navigate the world of eco-friendly cleaning—don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need recommendations.

Your home is more than just a place—it’s where you and your pets live, play, and make memories. Let’s keep it clean, safe, and eco-friendly.

For more tips on maintaining a clean, healthy, and eco-friendly home, we invite you to explore our blog.

Here’s to a cleaner, healthier, and happier home for you and your pets!

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